Tuesday, May 12, 2009

On being a MAMMA.

There would’ve been no teeny tiny socks to find in random pockets or spoons to find in shirt drawers. No bathtub wisdom or bedtime tears. No rainbow scarves to untie from chair legs, nor purple crayon to scrub off kitchen walls. No one to slow me down on long hikes or grocery store explanations of Santa Claus.

Mother's day gifts this year: Giant Cabbage, Pink Bracelet, Bag of black rice (not shown) and lots of HUGS.

Without the tremendous fortune of Motherhood I would be totally inexperienced at nursing a hungry toddler on the carpeted floor of a department store, or catching projectile poop mid-stream. I wouldn’t know how to let things get really messy - or how to clean messy up in under 30 seconds when the door bell rings. (Or not).

If it weren’t for my dearest little child-of-my-heart, flower-of-my-bosom, strength-of-my-character, almost ten-year-old daughter…I would have way more brown hair still, and a lot less laughter. I would know how to count my misgivings better than my forgivings’ and I wouldn’t know how to make apple muffins with three tablespoons extra salt and half an eggshell.

Motherhood has taught me how to say NO when I really want to say YES and say YES when I really want to say NO. I have learned that dirty shirts don’t really matter, but HUGS make the world come alive…

“MOM” – is spelled forward and backward.
KIDDING is the longer version of “KID”.
“LOVE” is everlasting.

If I had never been a mamma…
I would have had way more sleep than one woman could ever need.


  1. Ooooh so sweet, Akka! : ) Thank You!

  2. What a way to put it! YES, so trough. I just have to fill in Boys were you say Girl. Immagine things dubble: dubble the laughter, dubble the dirt,dubble all the stuff they bring home, dubble the hugs. I'm blessed too with grey hear (and i'm only 39) but I love every single one of them in my red. My boys are my world. Seems yours if filled with girl.

  3. Beautiful...

    Almost ten year old Uncle.

  4. Last night I had a moment with a stack of old photo's I hadn't seen in years. My pudgy baby girl in all her funny poses and delightful faces.

    I cried.
    and then
    I wrote.

  5. Akka Bee is a drunk love Mama. I don't know that I've said how much I love all this, but I'm sure you KNOW. ;]) Pinna

  6. I loved this. So beautiful and so true. Thank you for sharing!

  7. i love the part about saying no when you wnat to say yes and saying yes when you want to say no. I'm getting better on the second one, cause I know I'll regret it one day if I don't.

  8. I love this, Akka....Elizabeth

  9. Oh, I just read this now Akka. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing --- your words capture just how I feel being a new mama.

  10. Splintered motherhood can be at times, a mother of all trades..You ROCK!!! Ae

  11. Loved It.... inspired me to make a version of my own... Happy Mother's Day.

  12. sweet words from a Divine Mama... ;)


Insert your heart here: dizzy, dancing or otherwise.