Thursday, May 12, 2011


"POETRY is more than pretty words placed to impress; true poetry connects the dots between SOUL and WORLD. It brightens, deepens, and cracks open the windows of the intellect so we may experience the full range of our HEART." ~ akka b.


  1. without heart and the end, they are only words!

    Only Words

    What does it matter what i write
    they are only words
    and words cannot bring my love back
    they cannot hold her hand
    or caress her cheek
    enfold her in the sultry airs of an endless night
    or swing in a gentle breeze
    they cannot sit across from her
    laugh or break bread
    or stare into her sea green eyes
    with wonder and surprise
    they feel nothing of this loss
    when i held her hand gently in my own
    stroking each finger
    each tip
    they cannot hurt when she raged
    or feel the joy at being in her arms
    or see her blush in the morning.
    as these tears fall in endless streams
    what will words do with the seas i fill?
    what does it matter what i write
    they are only words
    and words will not bring my love back.


Insert your heart here: dizzy, dancing or otherwise.