Sunday, November 13, 2011

Evidence of Their Influence; Evidently

I could leave poems where I find them, 
but they're always insisting I write them down.
Evidence of their influence; evidently


  1. "I could leave poems where I find them,
    but they're always insisting I write them down."

    This really speaks to me. How insightful. I too love to write and when those words want to come out, there's no way to contain them.

    Would you think to make a contribution to this site?
    It collects inspirational moments from everyday living. I think you'd be a great fit with what they're trying to do and if you're featured, you could link new readers to your blog.

    Most importantly, keep inspiring through your gift of words. :)

  2. I love this. I'm always a little afraid that if I don't write them down they'll pack up and leave...


Insert your heart here: dizzy, dancing or otherwise.